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Brake Caliper Adapter VW Passat 3C YoC 2017 Ceramic Brake Disc 4K0615302D Audi RS5/RS7 Brake Caliper Audi RS5/RS7 B40401-01 1A BMS VW AG
- ✓ 400x38 4K0615302D Audi RS5 brake disc
- ✓ 6-piston 4H0615107D / 4H0615106D Audi RS7 A7 RS5 brake caliper
- ✓ front axle
Item number: 1052
Brake caliper adapter VW Passat B6 Variant Audi A3 400x38mm brake disc Audi 6 piston brake caliper
- ✓ 400x38 4H0615301AL / 4H0615301T Audi A6 4G brake disc
- ✓ 6-piston 9J1615123 / 9J1615124 Audi e-Tron brake caliper
- ✓ front axle
Item number: 1203
Track plate under brake discs change total height VW and Audi models 8mm brake conversion
These spacers are used to install discs that are too large in size or diameter and thus touch the wheel axle.
Item number: 113-sonder