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You can send us your sample in any material, whether wood, aluminium, plastic or other. Just send us your sample directly to the following address and include your contact details:

Epytec GmbH
Neuhäuser 10
D - 79244 Münstertal

On this page you will find additional examples of what we have realised together with our customers.

Chevrolet Camaro 1969 brake conversion to Mercedes E63 AMG brake system with Porsche discs

The customer's request / problem: 

Our customer Gabriel would like to install the following brake system with these components on his Chevrolet Camaro (yoc1969) front axle:
  • Porsche brake discs
  • Mercedes E63 AMG brake calipers 20.A495.04

Our realisation / solution: 

Gabriel has provided us with the following wooden sample, which we should copy for him so that he can install the brake system of the Mercedes Benz E63 AMG.

If you also have a sample, then simply send it to us at the following address and enclose your contact details: 

79244 Münstertal 
Neuhäuser 10 
Epytec GmbH 

Measurement by Epytec: 

Using the wood sample, we were able to transfer all the measurements into our CAD program and create a technical drawing.

3-D Prototyping 

The final prototype is sent to Gabriel in advance, so that he can test everything to make sure that it fits perfectly and that the brake system from Mercedes Benz E63 AMG fits. Gabriel also told us that 1-2 small changes have to be made to the tuning adapter so that everything fits 100%.
We always work with a 3D model in advance, because it always happens that certain dimensions and conditions cannot be taken on the tuning adapter in advance. With the 3D model, we can be sure that everything fits


After approval from Gabriel, now we machine the tuning adapter for the Chevrolet Camaro ( yoc 1969) exactly. Then it's taken to the surface refiner.

Installation and Test 

The tuning adapter came back to us from the surface refiner and was sent directly to Gabriel. He assembled everything and sent us great installation pictures of his new cool brake tuning adapter - many thanks for that!

Installation pictures from Gabriel

Here you can see more pictures of the Chevrolet Camaro tuning conversion to the Porsche brake discs. Here are some nice pictures from our customer Gabriel

If you also have a sample, please send it to the following address and include your contact details: 

79244 Münstertal 
Neuhäuser 10 
Epytec GmbH 

We help you with your individual solution 

If you want to have, as Gabriel, your brake system tuned by us according to your wishes, just contact us via our contact form and we will help you to realise your dream. With more than 15 years of experience in the production of tuning parts, we can carry out your conversion fast and cost-effectively. We look forward to your enquiry!
Would you like to have the same brake combination for the Chevrolet? Then please send us a message viaour contact form with the reference (092037) and we will send you an offer for your custom-made product.

Here you can fast and easily configure your custom made product for yourself.

You can find out everything about your order via your -> View customer account